Guest on Mindful U Podcast

Greatly enjoyed the chance to share more my background and interests on the Mindful U Podcast, the official podcast of Naropa University. Here’s an excerpt from our conversation, and you can listen to the full episode here

“But if someone has trained their attention in a particular way to be more open and receptive, there might be even a different felt sense to someone listening to you from that perspective. So, I think that’s not a bad sort of example for thinking how it is that training our own mind, training our own attention and intention and awareness can have ramifications for others in our life as well. And it offers us the potential I think, to be generous with our minds. And you could say generous with our hearts. If we have more attention available in the sense that we’ve grown this capacity to pay attention, then we can be more generous with our attention without it feeling like we’re depleting ourselves.”


Special Issue on Compassion and Skillful Means


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